Children’s Ministry
The Children’s is designed solely to help our children to know, love, and follow Christ with all their hearts in a safe, high-energy, enriching environment; for preschoolers to preteens.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
—Matthew 19:14
The goals of the Children’s Ministry are to:
- Develop children as Christ-followers and teach them to share their faith;
- Develop children as worshippers;
- Develop children as prayer warriors;
- Teach children to make wise choices according to Scripture;
- Teach children to treat all people equally;
- Support families with fun, creative ways to enhance each child’s spiritual journey in life.
We offer weekly activities and frequent opportunities for group learning. Sunday morning is filled with fun and interactive teaching from the Word of God.