MEET Our pastorS
You are welcome to the RCCG Redemption Haven Parish. Be assured that you are amongst friends, and this is a Church family actively reaching out to meet and address the needs of our congregation, friends, families, and loved ones.
We aspire to “connect” our people with Jesus Christ by sharing with them the compassion and love God expressed to the world, thereby becoming the kind of people God seeks. In the midst of our diversity, we thrive in an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance.
You are cordially invited to become a part of our family, and we pray that our ministry and resources will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus.
Please feel free to make inquiries from any of our Ministers and/or call our Church Office for prayers or further information.
May the Lord abundantly bless you!

Contact: Tel: +1 (510) 282-6401 |[email protected]